阴法明,赵 焱,赵力.连续音素的改进深信度网络的识别算法*[J].,2019,38(1):39-44
Phoneme recognition based on deep belief network
投稿时间:2018-04-25  修订日期:2018-12-29
      In order to improve the accuracy of phoneme recognition in continuous speech recognition, in this paper, a modified parallel tempering (PT)algorithm applied totrain the Restricted Boltzmann Machine is proposed. Firstly, Restricted Boltzmann Machine(RBM) is trained in light of Metropolis-Hasting for parallel tempering sampling, then stacking up RBMs to form a deep belief network(DBN) as the basis for DNN pre-training ,then by adding an output layer called “softmax” to the network, a deep neural network detecting the posterior probability of phoneme can be created. Subsequently, Backward Propagation algorithm is applied to fine-tune the weights discriminatively with less label data. Finally the sequence of the predicted probability distribution is fed into a standard Viterbi decoder. The experiments show that the proposed method has a better performance on the TIMIT dataset than traditional ways.Its recognition rate is higher 4.5%than CD,and 1% than original PT without more computation.
中文关键词: 并行回火  受限玻尔兹曼机  深信度网络  音素识别
英文关键词: Parallel tempering  Restricted Boltzmann Machine  Deep belief network  Phoneme recognition
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目 (61571106)
阴法明* 南京信息职业技术学院 yinfm@njcit.cn 
赵 焱 东南大学 xie.yue@seu.edu.cn 
赵力 东南大学 zhaoli@seu.edu.cn 
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