An investigation of tone correction method of noise level in civil airplane airworthiness certification
投稿时间:2018-08-11  修订日期:2019-04-26
      Tone correction factor is made to account for the human subjective response to the presence of spectral irregularities when calculate the effective perceived noise level (EPNL) in civil airplane noise airworthiness certification. But the impacts that affect tone correction factor calculation method should be considered, including test environment, test system characteristics, accuracy of data calculation, band sharing adjustment of tone, data adjustment method, false tone and so on. Considering the influence factors and the provisions of airworthiness regulation, tone correction method of transport category large airplanes’ noise level is investigated. And a modified method which includes integrated practical procedures is presented. Then the method is applicable to calculate and analyze the tone correction factors of a certain civil airplane’s airworthiness certification noise tests. The results show that the influence factors have significant impact on tone correction factors’ calculation procedures. This method can be used to obtain tone correction factor precisely and conveniently and it can provide a guidance to domestic civil airplane noise airworthiness certification.
中文关键词: 民机噪声,纯音修正,适航合格审定,有效感觉噪声级
英文关键词: Civil airplane noise, Tone correction, Airworthiness certification, EPNL
宋亚辉* 中国飞行试验研究院 songyahuilym@163.com 
张晓亮 中国飞行试验研究院 bitliang_2006@126.com 
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