Acoustic characteristics and effective factor analysis of the composite fuselage
投稿时间:2018-09-14  修订日期:2019-04-24
      The infinite panel theory and the wave equation have been applied to analyze the transmission loss of the composite material structures, including the flat and curve structures. The statistic energy analysis (SEA) is used to model a composite panel, and the simulated results are validated by test data. Then the composite fuselage would be equivalent to a cylinder shell modeled by SEA, and the effects of the pressurized difference, curve radius, shell length, layer angle, fiber material, and reinforcement have been analyzed to this composite fuselage. Lastly, the sound insulation performance of the composite fuselage has been compared to that of the metal fuselage. The results show that the transmission loss of the latter is better than the former between the range of the ring frequency and coincidence frequency, but it will show an opposite phenomenon above the coincidence frequency, because the coincidence frequency of the former has a shift to the low frequency compared to the latter.
中文关键词: 复材结构  隔声性能  传声损失  统计能量分析
英文关键词: composite structure  sound insulation  transmission loss  statistic energy analysis
胡莹* 中国商飞上海飞机设计研究院 上海 huying2@comac.cc 
李晨曦 中国商飞上海飞机设计研究院 上海 lichenxi@comac.cc 
林森 中国商飞上海飞机设计研究院 上海 linsen@comac.cc 
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