Vibrational contrast control for stereo audio reproduction on flat panel loudspeaker
投稿时间:2018-09-27  修订日期:2019-04-26
      A vibrational contrast control method is proposed for stereo audio reproduction on a thin plate, which is based on maximizing the contrast of the average energy of transverse motion between the radiated zone and the entire vibration zone. Firstly, the optimal filter group for the actuator array is obtained by using the mobility functions from the actuators to the measurement points. Secondly, the optimal filter groups for the left channel signals and the right channel signals are obtained to maximize the average kinetic energy of the left radiated zone and the right radiated zone respectively. Finally, the stereo audio signals are played by the corresponding radiated zone. Experimental results on an 0.480m by 0.270m by 0.001m thick aluminum panel with 8 actuators show that the contrast level is about 12dB for the frequency band from 100Hz to 2000Hz. Therefore, high contrast level can be achieved and the stereo audio can be played on a single flat panel loudspeaker.
中文关键词: 平板扬声器,立体声,声源局域化,振动对比度控制
英文关键词: Flat panel loudspeaker, Stereo audio, Sound source localization, Vibrational contrast control
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目 (61571435, 61801468), 中国科学院声学研究所青年英才计划项目 (QNYC201813)
李子庆 1:中国科学院声学研究所, 2:中国科学院大学 251398666@qq.com 
罗平展 1:中国科学院声学研究所, 2:中国科学院大学 luopingzhan@mail.ioa.ac.cn 
李晓东* 1:中国科学院声学研究所, 2:中国科学院大学 lxd@mail.ioa.ac.cn 
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