李嶷,陈新华,郑恩明,方华,王麟煜.低信噪比条件下多节点声呐目标跟踪算法*[J].,2019,38(3):433-439 |
低信噪比条件下多节点声呐目标跟踪算法* |
Target Tracking Algorithm for Multistatic Sonar with Low SNR |
投稿时间:2018-10-09 修订日期:2019-04-28 |
中文摘要: |
低信噪比条件下,单个主动或单个被动声呐节点难以实现目标跟踪。多节点声呐系统希望通过增加探测节点提高系统探测能力,但其性能提高与否取决于选择合适的数据融合算法。本文利用双节点声呐试验数据研究低信噪比条件下的目标跟踪方法,采用“结合置信度水平的表决融合”算法对多个探测节点得到的数据进行融合,既考虑了目标回波信号的信噪比特性,又考虑了目标运动的连续性特征,还考虑了各节点探测结果的决策优化,最终实现较高精度的目标跟踪。算法实现了数据级、特征级和决策级的统一、融合,通过对判决依据进行量化、分层,简化判决的复杂性。试验数据处理结果表明,该方法能较好地解决低信噪比条件下多节点声呐目标跟踪问题,目标跟踪精度较高。 |
英文摘要: |
It’s difficult for single active or single passive sonar to track underwater targets with low SNR(Signal Noise Ratio). So adding more detecting nodes into multistatic sonar system is expected. But whether it can improve the detection capabilities of the sonar system lies on designing appropriate fusion algorithm. Experimental data of bistatic sonar system under low SNR was used to investigate target tracking problems. And a voting fusion algorithm combined with confidence level was put forward. This algorithm takes into account not only the SNR of target echoes, but also the continuity characteristic of target motion, and also the decision methods of the detection results from many nodes. Finally, higher precision tracking results was achieved. This algorithm realizes the unification and fusion of data level, feature level and decision level. By quantifying the decision criterion, the judgments of target tracks were simplified. Processing results of experimental data show that the proposed method can solve the target tracking problem detected by multistatic sonar with lower SNR, and the target tracking accuracy is higher. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2019.03.021 |
中文关键词: 信号处理 多节点声呐系统 数据融合 目标跟踪 |
英文关键词: signal processing multistatic sonar system data fusion target tracking |
基金项目:国防科技创新特区项目 |
摘要点击次数: 2271 |
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