Application of Small Hole Injection Silencer on Aerospace Equipment
投稿时间:2018-10-09  修订日期:2019-04-25
      High injection noise, which can be controlled effectively by a small hole injection silencer, is produced during the exhaust process of the oxygen supplying and exhaust system in the aerospace equipment. Based on the injection noise theory, a small hole injection silencer was designed for the nozzle of the oxygen supplying and exhaust system. In the design, the hole diameter was reduced by limiting the hole spacing requirement, and the high noise reduction of the small hole injection silencer was achieved. The noise reduction performance of the silencer was measured and proved to be satisfactory. The comparison between the injection noise results calculated and measured showed a good agreement. Most of the errors are about 2dB(A), while the error for case with standing pressure ratio being 4 is quite big. The reason for this might be that the additional horn structure after the nozzle has a large influence on the impact noise concluded in the injection noise, which the classical calculation formula could not take into account. Both the feasibility of the small hole injection silencer using in aerospace equipment and reliability of the design method were verified in the design and application.
中文关键词: 喷注噪声  小孔喷注消声器  驻压比  喷口结构
英文关键词: Injection  noise, Small  hole silencer, Standing  pressure ratio, Nozzle  structure
魏志勇 北京市劳动保护科学研究所 wzy_nvc@126.com 
康钟绪* 北京市劳动保护科学研究所 zhongxukang@163.com 
李书灵 中国航天员科研训练中心 lishuling@163.com 
王隆基 中国航天员科研训练中心 wanglongji@163.com 
宋瑞祥 北京市劳动保护科学研究所 rxsonj@163.com 
吴瑞 北京市劳动保护科学研究所 3311616@qq.com 
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