盖磊,赵越喆.中国粤剧旦角发声特性实验研究[J].,2019,38(2):230-236 |
中国粤剧旦角发声特性实验研究 |
Acoustical study of female character types’ voices in Chinese Cantonese Opera |
投稿时间:2018-10-11 修订日期:2019-03-04 |
中文摘要: |
戏曲演员发声特性是厅堂音质研究的重要基础数据。为研究中国粤剧旦角演员发声特性,在全消声室内以4位花旦、2位青衣和1位老旦为例,针对念白、清唱和语言三种发声方式,在大、中、小三种发声力度下,分析不同旦角演员在0.3 m处的声压级、动态范围和频率特性曲线,探讨发声特性与发声方式、发声内容、发声力度和行当之间的关系。结果显示在相同的发声力度下,声压级由大到小的发声方式依次为清唱、念白和语言;老旦的动态范围最大,其次是青衣和花旦;清唱内容对发声频率特性曲线影响较小,而发声方式和行当影响较大;演员以不同力度发声时各频率特性曲线形状相似。该文的实验结果将为戏曲厅堂音质设计、建筑物隔声设计和电声系统设计提供科学依据。 |
英文摘要: |
The acoustical characteristics of Chinese Opera actors are basic data for acoustical design of Opera House. In order to analyze Chinese Cantonese Opera music, audio signals were recorded for four performers of young female character type, two performers of middle-aged female character type and one performer of old female character type in anechoic chamber. Recordings were made of the singers’ speech, recitatives and singing from their roles with three different vocal intensities. Sound pressure level at 0.3 m, dynamic range and spectrum characteristics were discussed. The results show that sound pressure level of singing is higher than other production modes in the same vocal intensity, and the largest dynamic rang is observed in the old female character type. Differences in the spectrums due to singing content are not discovered, and vocal intensity level has little effect. Large differences are found in production modes and character types. The results of the experiment will provide scientific basis for the acoustical design, building sound insulation design and electroacoustic system design. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2019.02.012 |
中文关键词: 戏曲建筑 发声特性 动态范围 长时平均谱 |
英文关键词: Chinese Opera Hall acoustical characteristics dynamic rang long-term average spectrum |
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