Experimental analysis of vibration and sound radiation of high speed train wheels with damping patches
投稿时间:2018-10-29  修订日期:2019-09-02
      In order to study the vibration and noise reduction effect of different damping patch devices with spoked plates on high-speed train wheels, the vibration sound radiation test of standard wheels and damping patch wheels under free state was carried out in the semi-anechoic room, and the wheel modal was simulated based on the finite element method. The results show that the natural frequency of the two damping patch wheels does not change much compared with that of the standard wheels after the radial plate damping patch is applied, but the damping ratio of the modes above 1600Hz increases significantly. The noise reduction effect under radial and axial excitation is more than 10dB(A), indicating that both damping patch devices have good noise reduction effect. The noise reduction effect of W2 wheels is slightly better than that of W1 wheels when 0.3mm aluminum alloy sheet is added, which is more obvious under axial excitation.
中文关键词: 阻尼贴片,振动声辐射,模态,高速列车车轮
英文关键词: Damped patch,Vibrational acoustic radiation,The modal,High-speed train wheels
刘世亮* 常州大学 654813736@qq.com 
张学飞 常州大学城市轨道交通学院  
王瑞乾 常州大学城市轨道交通学院  
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