Research advances of electrokinetic well logging for oil and gas reservoir
投稿时间:2018-11-21  修订日期:2018-12-27
      The electrokinetic coupling effects between elastic wave and electromagnetic field due to the electric double layer and the fluid flow in porous rocks have potential application in oil-gas exploration and coseismic electromagnetic field. In this study, we give a sketch of the theoretical model of electrokinetic waves and the experimental measurement and simulation of the borehole electrokinetic waves. In addition, we outlook the further research directions of the electrokinetic waves in oil-gas reservoir logging. The electrokinetic exploration method receives both the seismic (acoustic) and electromagnetic signals, which avoids the shortcoming of the seismic and electromagnetic method and possesses the advantages of both of them. The electrokinetic coupling coefficient has been measured in laboratory, however, the porous rock physical parameters characterized by the electrokinetic coupling coefficient need to be further understand. The seismoelectric wavefields have been calculated and analyzed based on the electrokinetic governing equations. The results show that an acoustic source excites both the electromagnetic field accompanying the acoustic signals and the electromagnetic wave arrives earlier. These two kinds of signals are not only sensitive to the elastic moduli, porosity and permeability affecting the elastic wave characteristics, but also relates to the electric characteristics, such as the conductivity. Some issues to be further studied are discussed, such as the electrokinetic wave theory for unsaturated rocks and the parameter inversion method based on electrokinetic waves.
中文关键词: 动电效应,孔隙介质,双电层,测井
英文关键词: Electrokinetic  effect, Porous  medium, Electric  double layer, logging
基金项目:国家科技重大专项子课题(2017ZX05019006-006)和国家自然科学基金(41574112, 41674121,11734017)
关威 哈尔滨工业大学 航天科学与力学系 哈尔滨 guanw@hit.edu.cn 
陈达 哈尔滨工业大学 航天科学与力学系 哈尔滨 944084460@qq.com 
王军 哈尔滨工业大学 航天科学与力学系 哈尔滨 wangjun2012@hit.edu.cn 
胡恒山* 哈尔滨工业大学 航天科学与力学系 哈尔滨 hhs@hit.edu.cn 
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