王淑萍,陶建成,邱小军.用于开口声辐射控制的虚拟声屏障实现 方法及机理研究*[J].,2018,37(5):772-780 |
用于开口声辐射控制的虚拟声屏障实现 方法及机理研究* |
Research on the methods and mechanisms of active control of sound radiation through openings |
投稿时间:2018-06-13 修订日期:2018-09-06 |
中文摘要: |
建筑物通常留有开口以便人员物料的进出及室内的自然通风采光,但这些开口也是噪声传播的途径。传统被动噪声控制方法需要将开口封闭,且对低频噪声的控制效果不好,故引入有源噪声控制技术降低室内声源通过开口的声辐射。基于惠更斯原理,均布开口的次级源和误差传声器构成的平面型虚拟声屏障可以实现对开口声辐射的有效控制,数值仿真和实验已证明其有效性。将次级源安装在开口边界更有利于保留开口的功能且方便实际安装,但这样的单层边界虚拟声屏障降噪效果存在上限,仅能在低频段实现全局控制。和单层边界次级源相比,双层边界次级源可显著提高降噪量和有效降噪频率上限。该文回顾了开口声辐射有源控制的相关工作,并讨论了未来可能的研究方向。 |
英文摘要: |
Building openings help the access, lighting and natural ventilation, but they provide transmission paths for noise at the same time. To reduce the noise transmission, the openings have to be sealed with the traditional passive noise control methods, while the active noise control technique offers another solution, which is especially effective at low frequencies. According to Huygens’ principle, a planar virtual sound barrier with secondary sources and error microphones evenly distributed over the entire opening can achieve global control of sound radiation through openings, and it has been demonstrated with both numerical simulations and experiments. Secondary sources only at the edge of the opening can keep the functionalities of the opening and are easier to implement in practical applications, but such a single-layer secondary source system at the edge is only effective within low frequency range. Compared with a single-layer secondary source system, a double-layer secondary source system improves the noise reduction performance significantly, as well as the upper limit frequency of effective control. This paper reviews the recent work on the active control of sound radiation through openings and discusses the future directions. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2018.05.024 |
中文关键词: 开口声辐射,有源控制,虚拟声屏障 |
英文关键词: Sound radiation through openings, Active noise control, Virtual sound barrier |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目 (11474163, 11874218) |
摘要点击次数: 2704 |
全文下载次数: 1879 |
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