陈克安,胥健,王岩.基于声场复现的有源噪声控制支撑技术*[J].,2018,37(5):743-750 |
基于声场复现的有源噪声控制支撑技术* |
Supporting techniques for active noise control based on sound field recurrence |
投稿时间:2018-06-14 修订日期:2018-09-05 |
中文摘要: |
有源噪声控制是一种有广泛用途的低频噪声控制技术,目前已在部分场合取得商业化应用,然而该技术的大规模应用仍然面临诸多困难,声场复现技术为解决其中的关键问题提供了有效手段。本文论述了声场复现的两种实现方式(声场重构和声场再现)的基本原理、国内外现状及其在有源控制技术开发中的应用,尤其是基于声压匹配法的初级声场重构、基于球阵的声场再现以及电声器件布放优化设计。 |
英文摘要: |
Active noise control is one of the most important techniques for reducing low frequency noise, which has been applied commercially into some specific issues. However, large-scale engineering applications are still confronted with a lot of difficulties. The sound field recurrence technique provides effective approaches to solve some key problems. In this paper, two implementation ways of sound field recurrence, i.e. sound field reconstruction and sound field reproduction, are reviewed, including fundamental principles, the state-of-art and applications into active control technique development, particularly the primary sound field reconstruction based on pressure matching method, the sound field reproduction using spherical arrays and the optimization of electroacoustic devices arrangement. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2018.05.020 |
中文关键词: 有源噪声控制,声场重构,声场再现 |
英文关键词: active noise control, sound field reconstruction, sound field reproduction |
基金项目:中央财政专项基金项目 (MJ-2015-F-044) |
摘要点击次数: 2193 |
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