白立新,吴鹏飞,李超,邓京军,曾志杰.液体薄层中的超声空化*[J].,2018,37(5):614-635 |
液体薄层中的超声空化* |
Ultrasonic cavitation in thin liquid layers |
投稿时间:2018-06-14 修订日期:2018-09-05 |
中文摘要: |
液体薄层中的超声空化,因其边界及所处空间的特殊性,而呈现出非常独特的空化结构和演化行为,在超声清洗、超声钎焊、表面处理、近场声悬浮、超声化学等领域都有所应用。本文试图梳理近几年本课题组在液体薄层中的超声空化研究中的一些成果,力图揭示液体薄层内空泡、空化云、空化场的运动和分布规律,及其产生、发展和演化过程,以期对液体薄层中的超声空化行为有一个相对清晰和完整的认识。 |
英文摘要: |
Ultrasonic cavitation in a liquid thin layer presents unique cavitation structures and behaviors due to its special boundary and space. It has been applied in the fields of ultrasonic cleaning, ultrasonic brazing, surface treatment, near field acoustic levitation, ultrasonic chemistry and so on. This paper attempts to summarize the achievements of our research group in ultrasonic cavitation research in liquid thin layers in recent years, and reveal the movement, distribution and evolution of cavitation bubbles, cavitation clouds and cavitation fields in liquid thin layers. It is hoped that this paper will enable readers to have a better understanding of cavitation behaviors in thin liquid layers. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2018.05.005 |
中文关键词: 超声空化,空化结构,空化云,空泡,液体薄层 |
英文关键词: Ultrasonic cavitation, Cavitation structure, Cavitation cloud, Cavitation bubble, liquid layer |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目 (11674350, 11174315) |
摘要点击次数: 2206 |
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