郭拓,王英民.小快拍高分辨目标方位估计算法 GMUSIC的性能分析*[J].,2018,37(5):781-786
小快拍高分辨目标方位估计算法 GMUSIC的性能分析*
Performance analysis of GMUSIC algorithm for high resolution target bearing estimation in small snapshots
投稿时间:2018-06-14  修订日期:2018-09-05
      When bearing estimation is done with underwater moving array, in order to solve the issue of insufficient snapshots, the performance of an improved MUSIC algorithm GMUSIC based on Random Matrix Theory is analyzed . The GMUSIC method uses Stieltjes transformation to establish the correlation between the true eigenvalues of the statistical covariance matrix and the sample covariance matrix in the approximation domain, to correct the result of the smaple covariance eigendecomposition. Simulations and experiments show that the GMUSIC algorithm can better distinguish adjacent targets and require fewer snapshots than the MUSIC algorithm. In the case of low SNR, the root mean square error of the GMUSIC algorithm is much smaller than that of the MUSIC algorithm. The probability of success is much greater than the MUSIC algorithm. Therefore, the GMUSIC algorithm is suitable for solving the problem of position estimation of small snapshots of underwater acoustic targets.
中文关键词: 方位估计,小快拍,阵列信号处理,高分辨
英文关键词: Bearing estimation , Small snapshot, Array signal processing, High resolution
郭拓* 西北工业大学 guotuonwpu@126.com 
王英民 西北工业大学航海学院  
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