An implementation approach of fractional Fourier transform with bandpass sampling in the underwater echoes processing
投稿时间:2019-03-27  修订日期:2020-02-28
      Linear frequency modulated (LFM) signal is usually been used for underwater target detection in active sonar system. Fractional Fourier transform (FrFT) method has unique advantage when processing the LFM echos to obtain effective estimations of target parameters in a low SNR or high reverberation environments. A common strategy to improve the range and velocity resolution of active sonar system is to increase time bandwidth product of the transmitted signal. Then the computation complexity of method increases dramatically, especially the FrFT-based data processing method with Nyquist sampling. As a result, the method can hardly meet the real-time requirements of unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) with constraints on the volume and power consumption. To address the problem, we proposed an approach to implement the FrFT method with band-pass sampling. By modifying the projection of time-frequency characteristic line of LFM signal on fractional domain, correct estimations of target parameters can be obtain by using FrFT method to process echo data with band-pass sampling. The processing results of simulation data and experimental data of UUV prove the validity of the method, and the corresponding data processing time can meet the real-time requirements of UUV.
中文关键词: 带通采样, 分数阶傅里叶变换, 线性调频信号, 主动声呐
英文关键词: Bandpass sampling, Fractional Fourier transform, Linear frequency modulated, Active sonar system
詹飞 中国科学院大学
中国科学院声学研究所 中科院水下航行器信息技术重点实验室 
马晓川* 中国科学院大学
中国科学院声学研究所 中科院水下航行器信息技术重点实验室 
吴永清 中国科学院大学
中国科学院声学研究所 中科院水下航行器信息技术重点实验室 
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