王文文,李 诺,韩建强,罗 涛,肖 涛.基于多基因遗传规划的储层岩石静态模量预测[J].,2020,39(2):306-315
Static modulus prediction for reservoir rocks based on multi-gene genetic programming
投稿时间:2019-06-17  修订日期:2020-02-25
      The static modulus prediction using dynamic modulus of rock based on linear fitting has strong experience and low accuracy. The measured P-wave velocity, porosity and bulk density of rock are taken as input parameters, and based on the multi-gene genetic programming method, the analytical expression of static modulus about the three parameters are obtained by continuous evolution. Then the static modulus of reservoir sandstone is predicted. The results show that the expression of modulus obtained by multi-gene genetic programming method is more accurate. In addition, the static modulus calculation error caused by inaccurate or missing measurement of shear wave velocity is avoided in genetic programming method because the shear wave velocity is not as an input parameter in the calculation process.
中文关键词: 储层岩石,弹性模量,线性拟合,多基因遗传规划
英文关键词: Reservoir rocks, Elastic modulus, Linear fitting, Multigene genetic programming
王文文* 中海油田服务股份有限公司 油田技术事业部 北京101149 331889981@qq.com 
李 诺 中国科学院大学  
韩建强 中国科学院大学  
罗 涛 中国石油渤海钻探工程有限公司工程技术研究院  
肖 涛 中国石油渤海钻探工程有限公司工程技术研究院  
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