曾 赛,杜选民,范 威.水下对转螺旋桨流致辐射噪声机理与预报方法*[J].,2020,39(3):482-491
A review of the progress for mechanism and computational method of underwater contour-rotation propeller flow-induced noise
投稿时间:2019-07-07  修订日期:2020-04-27
      The prediction of the flow-induced noise of the underwater counter-rotation propeller is of great significance for the feature extraction, classification and identification of underwater targets. The turbulent flow field caused by the rotation of the blades is the noise source of underwater counter-rotation propeller. The hydrodynamic noise mechanism and research progress are presented which caused by the turbulent boundary layer pulsation, rotational interference effect and cavitation effect of the underwater counter-rotation propeller. The characteristics of the three propeller noise prediction methods in the current engineering application are compared. Based on the analysis of the difficulty of numerical prediction of the flow-induced radiated noise, the research progress of the calculation method of the flow-induced noise is reviewed. It is pointed out that the indirect numerical simulation method is an effective method for predicting the flow-induced noise in the engineering.
中文关键词: 对转桨流致噪声  声类比理论  Kirchhoff理论  湍流噪声  旋转噪声,空化噪声,数值模拟
英文关键词: flow-induced noise of contour-rotation propeller  acoustic analogy  Kirchhoff formulation  turbulence noise  rotation noise  cavitation noise  numerical simulation
曾 赛* 水声对抗技术重点实验室 上海 sharemezeng@126.com 
杜选民 上海船舶电子设备研究所 上海
水声对抗技术重点实验室 上海 
范 威 水声对抗技术重点实验室  
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