Seismic dispersion, attenuation, and frequency-dependent anisotropy in reservoirs with aligned fractures
投稿时间:2019-07-08  修订日期:2019-12-25
      Fracture thickness (aperture) has significant influence on the effective permeability of the fractured reservoirs. Therefore, it is of great importance to detect the fracture thickness in the exploration and development of fractured reservoirs. For this purpose, this paper primarily introduces the dispersion, attenuation, and frequency-dependent anisotropy of seismic waves in reservoirs with aligned fractures, as well as their relations with fracture thickness. Two important mechanisms including wave-induced fluid flow (WIFF) and scattering are investigated and the recent developments on the related theoretical models are introduced. It is found that the fracture thickness has significant influence on both WIFF and scattering. The primary influenced frequency regimes are the high frequency regime of WIFF and low frequency regime of scattering. These frequency regimes usually fall into the seismic frequency band and hence it is essential to consider the effects of fracture thickness in the seismic exploration. This in turn provides the theoretical basis for the seismic detection of the fracture thickness. Finally, the coupling between WIFF and scattering is also investigated and the corresponding model is given. The results show that the features of the seismic dispersion and attenuation will become notably different when the coupling occurs. Hence, it needs to be considered.
中文关键词: 地震波、频散衰减、频变各向异性、流体交换、散射
英文关键词: Seismic wave, dispersion and attenuation, frequency-dependent anisotropy, WIFF, scattering
郭俊鑫* 南方科技大学 guojx@sustech.edu.cn 
方鑫定 南方科技大学 fangxd@sustech.edu.cn 
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