Ultrasonic sparse-TFM imaging using particle swarm optimization algorithm
投稿时间:2019-07-19  修订日期:2020-04-28
      An efficient array optimization algorithm for ultrasonic sparse-total focusing method (TFM) imaging is studied. Aiming at the problem of a huge amount of full matrix data and long imaging time of TFM imaging in the ultrasonic phased array inspection, this paper constructs a sparse array to reduce the data and improve the imaging efficiency while assuring the image quality. By using the main lobe width, the side lobe peak and the main lobe peak as the constraints to construct the fitness function, the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is used to obtain the sparse array elements position distribution and the matrix weight correction, and they are used for sparse-TFM imaging. Compare imaging with full elements of an array, the sparse array obtained by particle swarm optimization algorithm reduces the number of array elements by 65.62%,and the data usage is reduced by 88.18%. In terms of array optimization, the computation time is reduced by 84.86% compared to the genetic algorithm.
中文关键词: 稀疏阵列,粒子群算法,相控阵超声检测,全聚焦算法
英文关键词: Sparse array, Particle swarm optimization, Phased array ultrasonic testing ,Total focusing method
沈晓炜* 长沙理工大学 长沙 2791172337@qq.com 
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