吴涢晖,邹士亚,庞新良,陈晓雷.应用支持向量机和人工神经网络对大气次声信号 识别的初步实验[J].,2020,39(2):216-222
应用支持向量机和人工神经网络对大气次声信号 识别的初步实验
Experimental study on atmospheric infrasound signal recognition using SVM and ANN
投稿时间:2019-07-26  修订日期:2020-02-28
      Aiming at the problem that the signal extracted from infrasound station monitoring data by STA/LTA algorithm still contained noise, we made preliminary experimental studies on the machine learning method of support vector machine and neural network. We used a method of wavelet packet decomposition to reconstruct the signals, and extracted the energy characteristics from them. We also analyzed the methods to improve the recognition ability. The experimental results showed that the recognition ability of the two methods can be improved to an acceptable level by optimizing the model structure such as the training data set was small.
中文关键词: 次声信号检测,小波包分解,神经网络,支持向量机
英文关键词: Infrasound signal detection, Wavelet packet decomposition, Neural network, Support vector machine
吴涢晖 防化研究院 北京 www_wu@foxmail.com 
邹士亚 防化研究院 北京 243915082@qq.com 
庞新良 防化研究院 北京 116528267@qq.com 
陈晓雷* 防化研究院 北京 chenxlei2002@163.com 
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