Prediction Analysis of Vibration and Noise of Oil Pan Based on Fluid-Structure Coupled
投稿时间:2019-08-07  修订日期:2020-04-26
      In order to predict the noise of the improvement program of oil pan, firstly, the fluid-structure coupled finite element model of oil pan was established, and its natural frequency and mode shape are calculated. The accuracy of the coupled finite element model was verified by modal test. Secondly, the vibration acceleration of each bolt in the oil pan was measured by test during the working process of the engine. Thirdly, based on the modal results, the measured vibration acceleration was applied to the bolt fixtures of the oil pan, the computations of forced vibration and radiated noise of the oil pan were carried out by using the finite element analysis method, and the experimental comparison show that the method can be used to predict the vibration and noise of the oil pan during the confirmation stage of the engine development test, reduce the risk of development. Finally, the influence of oil content on radiated noise was analyzed.
中文关键词: 油底壳  模态  流固耦合  振动噪声  
英文关键词: oil pan, modal, fluid-structure coupled, vibration and noise
宋兆哲* 长城汽车股份有限公司 songzhaozhe2006@163.com 
李荣荣 长城汽车股份有限公司 XINJINGYUXIAO@163.com 
高锋军 长城汽车股份有限公司 250508536@qq.com 
杨景玲 长城汽车股份有限公司 yangjingling@gwm.cn 
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