Soundscape subjective evaluation based on tourists’ preference: a case study of Dayan ancient town
投稿时间:2019-09-04  修订日期:2020-07-01
      As a scenic spot integrating both natural and cultural landscape, ancient towns have rich sound types. Taking Dayan ancient town for example, this paper explores the differences in the subjective evaluation of soundscape of ancient towns based on tourists’ sound preference. The study finds that tourists’ favorite sounds in Dayan ancient town are water sound, light music in coffee shops and bars, and folk music. According to tourists’ sound preference, tourists are divided into two types: preference for natural sound and preference for anthrophony. Factor analysis is used to extract five main factors of tourists'' subjective evaluation of soundscape: size, quality, valence, preference and arousal. The total variance accounted for 62.36%. Further analysis shows that these five factors have a certain degree of hierarchy, from basic physical attributes to the associative evaluation. Among them, there is no significant difference between tourists in low level evaluation (size, sound quality ), thus low level evaluation is comparatively stable. In terms of high-level evaluation (valence, preference and arousal), tourists who prefer anthrophony pay more attention to the heritage value of Dayan ancient town. Therefore, tourists’ subjective evaluation of soundscape can be regarded as an indicator to judge the evaluation stage of it, so as to provide more targeted suggestions for the improvement of the soundscape in the scenic spots.
中文关键词: 声音偏好  声景观评价  语义细分法  评价层级  大研古镇
英文关键词: sound preference  soundscape evaluation  semantic scale  evaluation hierarchy  Dayan ancient town
杨玲玲 南京大学地理与海洋科学学院 yanglinglingnj@163.com 
张捷* 南京大学地理与海洋科学学院 jiezhang@nju.edu.cn 
徐一帆 南京大学地理与海洋科学学院 xuyifan121121@163.com 
陈雪 南京大学地理与海洋科学学院 crystalchen911@163.com 
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