陆 昕,周雄,钱帅伟,潘笑.干式变压器有限元仿真模型的电磁和振动分析[J].,2020,39(4):638-646
Electromagnetic and vibration analysis of dry transformer finite element simulation model
投稿时间:2019-09-24  修订日期:2020-07-01
      With the rapid increase in power demand, the number of dry-type transformers is also increasing, but dry-type transformers also have vibration and noise problems during operation. In order to study the vibration rules and characteristics of dry-type transformer, the mechanism of vibration and noise generation of dry-type transformer were studied and simulated. The finite element simulation model of dry-type transformer vibration was established. The corresponding magnetic field distribution was obtained by electromagnetic analysis, and then the structural vibration was used to obtain the relevant laws of its vibration. The characteristic frequency of transformer vibration was obtained through the measured analysis of transformer vibration data in operation state. The relationship between vibration amplitude and frequency was found by comparing and analyzing the simulation results. The results can provide reference for the research of vibration reduction of dry-type transformers.
中文关键词: 干式变压器  有限元模型  电磁力  谐响应分析  振动云图
英文关键词: dry-type transformer  inite element model  electromagnetic force  harmonic response analysis  vibration cloud
陆 昕* 广西电网有限责任公司桂林供电局 1476104958@qq.com 
周雄 广西电网有限责任公司 桂林供电局 935939239@qq.com 
钱帅伟 广西电网有限责任公司 桂林供电局 330090025@qq.com 
潘笑 武汉大学电气与自动化学院 xiaopan0223@163.com 
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