查雪琴,H.V.Fuchs.机动车空气动力测试风洞的声学设计[J].,1995,14(2):13-21 |
机动车空气动力测试风洞的声学设计 |
Novel acoustic design and performance of an aeroacoustic vehicle wind tunnel |
中文摘要: |
测试、鉴定并研究高速机动车对环境及在车内所产生的噪声,必须有“安静”的风洞.抑制风洞内的气流噪声,将它的本底噪声降低到车辆噪声以下;测试大厅中在足够低的频率以上获得应有的自由声场范围;所有的声学处理措施不影响风洞的空气动力性能;吸声构件中不含矿物性纤维材料;具有相应的阻燃性能并易于清洁.本文介绍了满足以上所有要求的斯图加特大学空气动力实验室风洞的声学设计和所采用的新型吸声材料,给出了构造大样及实测结果. |
英文摘要: |
Considerable efforts are expanded to reduce the noise generated aerodynamicalyl by vehicles at high speeds, both with respect to the drivers and the environment. For this task low-noise aeroacoustic wind tunnels are required. It is described in this paper how to reduce the fan noise and to establish anechoic measuring conditions in the large plenum without affecting the aerodynamic performance of the test facility. None of the acoustic absorbers contains any mineral fibres. To fulfil the fire resistance, maintenance and durability requirements, novel plane absorber constructions were developed and tested in a large wind tunnel at the University of Stuttgart. Their design details are depicted and the aerodynamic and acoustic results are discussed. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.1995.02.004 |
中文关键词: 高速机动车 空气动力噪声 风洞 |
英文关键词: High speed vehicle Aerodynamic noise Wind tunnel |
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