李毅民.数字化声学测量技术──Ⅰ.概论[J].,1995,14(2):42-45 |
数字化声学测量技术──Ⅰ.概论 |
The digital acoustic measurement system-Ⅰ.Introduction |
中文摘要: |
数字化是当今世界上声学测量技术的发展趋势,它采用微计算机和数字信号处理系统.数字化声学测量的主要优点是:1.精确度高,动态范围大2.性能稳定,可靠3.可实现许多模拟仪器设备不能完成的复杂功能4.使用灵活方便5.优异的性能价格比.本文综合介绍了数字化声学测量技术的这些优越性,同时还介绍了一种实际使用的数字化声学测量系统的组成和工作原理,以及它的主要测量分析功能.本文可为涉及声学测量的部门和单位在选择仪器设备时提供参考. |
英文摘要: |
Digitalization is the develop trends in acoustic measurements nowadays. The technique makes use of the micro-computer and the digital signal processor. The advantages of a digital acoustic measurement system include: 1. high precision, wide dynamic range 2. better stability and reliability 3. capability of implementing much more complicated functions than the analog instruments 4. more flexable and easy usage 5. excellent perfomanceprice ratio. This paper offers a brief introduction to these advantages and also presents a practical digital acoustic measurement system with a description of its architecture and operatioin, as well as its main measuring functions. The paper could be a reference to those who are involved in acoustic measurements and are choosing acoustic instruments. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.1995.02.010 |
中文关键词: 数字化 数字信号处理 模数转换器 |
英文关键词: Digitalization Digital signal processing Analog to digital convertor |
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