秦英达,杜鹏,李启虎.数字式声呐大动态范围显示技术研究[J].,1995,14(3):14-19 |
数字式声呐大动态范围显示技术研究 |
A display technique for wide dynamic range digital Sonar |
中文摘要: |
量化比特数是衡量数字声呐性能的主要指标,增加比特数意味着更高的精度和更大的动态范围.但人机视觉接口只能显示有限字长的数据.本文从声呐显示技术出发,分析了突破这一局限的必要和可能.原理分析表明,对声呐数据实行过零基准处理,以GSC算法配合小信号分层处理可有效地获得多比特位声呐数据的几乎无损的显示.对16比特声呐数据处理显示的实验结果表明,我们的处理方法达到了预期要求. |
英文摘要: |
One of the important methods to enhance Sonar’s per formance is to improve its data length. The more bits there are, the more accuracy and wider dynamic range will be.But with human eye, one can only receive data with a limited length from Sonar’s display.This paper studies why and how to display longer datathan traditional from display technique. It is shown that an effective method to acquire nearly no-performance-loss display isto process the sonar data by zeroaxial process and GSC algorithm accompanied by special treatment of small signals. The method has been proved to be efficient in our experiment to display 16 bits Sonar data. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.1995.03.004 |
中文关键词: 多比特位显示 GSC算法 分层显示 过零处理 |
英文关键词: Multibits Display GSC algorithm Stratified display Zeroaxial process |
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