The Statistical Distribution of Standard Chinese Initials and Finals
      This paper presents a statistical analysis of the dynamic (in usage) and static (inlexicon) distribution characters as well as their differences of the initials and the finals in Chinese writting language. The results show that the dynamic and static relative distributions are congruent among the initials and among the finals in Manderin. The phonctic relative distributions are mainly concerned with the manner of pronunciation and are not influenced by the occurance frequency. There difference is related to following factors: the manner of initial articulation and followed final, the combination of the initial articulatory position and four rinds pronunciation of the final, tlie frequency of construction of syllable into a word and the word occurance. The differellce is mainly influenced by the distribution variation of aspirated and unaspirated initial, zero initial, monofinal and nasal final. This shows that behaviour in speech is also ruled by less-effort principle like other human behaviours. Prominent difference between the dynamic and static distribution of the initial and the final in Manderin is shown mainly in monosyllabic words. In polysyllabic words,the dynamic occurance frequency of the final is related to the number of syllables; for the initial, it seems to be related to the structure of the syllable combination.
中文关键词: 普通话  声母韵母  统计特性
英文关键词: Manderin  the initial and the final  statistical character
孙金城 中国科学院声学研究所 
倪宏 中国科学院声学研究所 
莫福源 中国科学院声学研究所 
李昌立 中国科学院声学研究所 
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