Acoustics and Illustration For Thermoacoustic Refrigerators With Electrodynamic Sound Source
      In this paper, we simulate tbermoacoustic refrigerators as an acoustic pipe system with a specified acoustic terminal and discusse the pipe system by an example. This pipe system is different from a common acoustic pipe system because the thermal wave and viscous wave in a thermoacoustic stack must be taken into account in addition to the propagating wave. This is very important in the consi deration of the connection condition of the stack and a pipe section because at the joint the volume velocity at the end of the stack is the volume velocity of the re sultant wave, the sum of the propagating wave and the thermal and viscous waves. But in the stack only the propagating wave mode is needed- We have worked out the connection condition of impedance at the joint. In the example, we used an electrodynamic loudspeaker as the sound source of the refrigerator and demons trated a method of calculation. Results show the acoustic requirements and the con ditions for two ideal thermoacoustic refrigerators: the thermoacoustic progressive wave and standing wave refrigerators. The nominaI electric load of the loudspeaker is 100 VA. It can produce about 30 W acoustic power to the thermoacoustic refrig erators. The acoustic power input to the thermoacoustic refrigerator is depend ent on the distance from the loudspeaker to the thermoacoustic stack. The favourable dist ance is about 1/4 wavelength for the progressive wave refrigerator and as short as possible for the standing wave one.
中文关键词: 热声致冷  声阻抗  驻波  行波
英文关键词: Thermoacoustic regrigeration  Acoustic impedance  Standing wave  progressive wave
戴根华 中国科学院声学研究所!北京
李沛滋 中国科学院声学研究所!北京
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