李毅民.数字化声学测量技术 Ⅲ.非消声室环境中扬声器的测试[J].,1995,14(4):34-37 |
数字化声学测量技术 Ⅲ.非消声室环境中扬声器的测试 |
Digital Acoustic Measurement Technique Ⅲ. Measuring Loudspeakers in non-anechoic rooms |
中文摘要: |
由于建造消声室费用太高,如何在非消声室环境测量扬声器的特性是众多中小电声器材生产厂家极为关心的问题.本文介绍一种可在非消声室环境中进行测量的数字化的扬声器测量系统.本文论述了它的基本原理及两个关键问题,即激励信号的选择以及对单位脉冲响应加富的问题.本文还讨论了窗口的宽度和水状时所测扬声器频率特性的影响,及对测量房间的要求. |
英文摘要: |
Owing to the high cost in buiIding an anechoic chamber, measuring loudspeakers in ordinary rooms is a matter of concern to many audio equipment manufacturers. This paper introduces the fundamentals of the technique. Two key problems are discussed here. Ode is the choice of the activating signal input to the loudspeaker measured. The other problem is the selection of the window functions. AnaIysis is made on the influence of the window function to the frequency respo nse function of the loudspeaker measured, and the requirement to the room in which the measurement is conducted. A practical loudspeaker measuring system is also presented. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.1995.04.008 |
中文关键词: 消声室 频率响应函数 窗函数 |
英文关键词: anechoic chamber frequency response function window function |
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