李国锋.低信噪比下的语音增强处理[J].,1995,14(5):13-16 |
低信噪比下的语音增强处理 |
Enhancement of low snr speech |
中文摘要: |
本文介绍了一种基于功率谱减的方法来增强带有白噪声的语音信号.过量功率谱减是语音增强的一个有效的方法,其处理后产生的纯音噪声采用中心限幅的方法可以很好地得到抑制.本文中对-8dB-+3dB的汉语语句处理,信噪比可提高6dB-10dB. |
英文摘要: |
This paper describes a method for enhancing speech degraded by white noise, based on the power spectrum subtraction. The Subtraction of the noise power spectrum over-estimate is an effective method. A new noise appearing in the processed signal, referred to as "music noise", can be effectively eliminated by using "center-clipping process". In experiment, sentences of Chinese with about -8dB- 3dB signal-to-noise ratio was processed and improved up to 6dB-10dB. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.1995.05.003 |
中文关键词: 低信噪比 语音增强 功率谱 |
英文关键词: Low signal-to-noise ratio Speech enhancement The power spectrum |
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