张金铎,施永.金属薄板弹性各向异性检测[J].,1995,14(6):12-16 |
金属薄板弹性各向异性检测 |
Measurement of elastic anisotropy of thin metallic plate |
中文摘要: |
当平面声波入射到液体中的金属薄板上时,透射系数将随声波入射角变化,根据这一规律,能够准确地测定声波入射面与金属薄板交线方向上金属板材料的弹性常数.测得金属薄板面内不同方向的弹性常数,对金属薄板弹性各向异性情况将有一清晰的认识.由于测试过程采用微机控制、数据采集和处理,实现了各向异性测量的全自动化.该方法测试时间短,所需样品小且加工方便,并可测试金属薄板弹性各向异性的均匀度. |
英文摘要: |
When a plane acoustic wave is incident on a thin metallic plate imnersed in a liquid, the transmission coefficient will be dependent on the incident angle.According to this relation,the elastic constants in the direction along the intersection line of the wave incident plane and the thin metallic plate can accurately be measured.After mcasuring the elastic constants in the different directions in the surface plane of the plate,the elastic anisotropy of the plate will be clearly understood. Because the control of the measuring process,the data collection and processing are done by a computer,fully automatic measurement of the elastic anisotropy can be realized. This method features short time of measurement, small sample and easy sample preparation and can measure the de gree of homogeneity of elastic anisotropy of the thin plate. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.1995.06.005 |
中文关键词: 弹性 各向异性 检测 |
英文关键词: Elasticity Anisotropy Measurment |
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