李沛滋,戴根华.轰声和轰声测量的频率限[J].,1995,14(6):16-20 |
轰声和轰声测量的频率限 |
Sonic booms and frequency limits for their measurement |
中文摘要: |
轰声陡峭的前沿和后沿,要求测量设备的频率响应范围越宽越好,但实际上,测量设备的频率响应范围总是有限的,本文从讨论N波的时域和频域特性出发,由设定的测量设备的频率范围,将N波从频域变回到时域,再由时域波形的畸变程度,提出声学测量设备应有的频率响应范围.将此用于轰声的测量,对一般精度的测量,设备的频响范围为0.15-1300Hz时,能量测量的理论误差不大于1%,峰值超压测量的理论误差不大于3%. |
英文摘要: |
The frequency response of the instruments is required to be as wide as possible to meas-ure sonic booms properly. But the practical instruments in use have only limited frequency response.In this paper, after having analyzed the characteristics of N-waves in time and frequency domains,we put forward the frequency range instruments should have, for measuring sonic booms, based onthe extent of distortion of the N-waves in the time domain. Analysis shows that O.l5 Hz as thelower frequency limit and 13OO Hz as the upper frequency limit would be adequate. Error resultedby using this kind of instruments for measuring energy of boom is theoretically estimated to besmaller than 1% and that for measuring peak overpressure smaller than 3%. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.1995.06.006 |
中文关键词: 轰声 峰值超压 持续时间 |
英文关键词: Boom Peak overpressure Duration time |
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