苏公雨,刘文利.用来激励高频超声换能器的电激励源[J].,1996,15(4):19-22 |
用来激励高频超声换能器的电激励源 |
Exciting source for high frequence ultrasonic transducer |
中文摘要: |
讨论了超声换能器的几种激励方法,分析了三种常用激励方法在激励高颖超声换能器时的特点及其局限性.我们用雪崩MARX电路制作的单极窄脉冲能有效地激励频率高达100MHz的换能器并取得了较好的结果. |
英文摘要: |
Methods electrically exciting an ultrasonic trandcer are discussed. Three kinds of commonly used high-frequency exciting methods are analysed for their merits and limitations. The chosen MARX circuit based on avanlanche mode gives an efficient unipolar pulse with satisying result(amplitude greate than 400 V with rise time less than 5 ns) on a 100 MHz ultrasonic trandsducer. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.1996.04.006 |
中文关键词: 单极窄脉冲 高频超声换能器 雪崩电路 |
英文关键词: Unipolar pulse High-frequency ultrasonic transducer Aralanche tube circuit |
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