莫喜平,冯若,王双维.混响场中脉冲超声空化效应的研究[J].,1996,15(4):23-26 |
混响场中脉冲超声空化效应的研究 |
The effect pulsed ultrasound cavitation in a reverberation field |
中文摘要: |
本文实验研究了不同脉冲宽度的820kHZ超声波的空化效应,结果得出,空化致自基产量随脉冲宽度及声强呈现规律性变化,尤其观察到了“脉冲空化峰”现象.本文从液面受迫振动角度提出混响场中“脉冲空化峰”现象的机制. |
英文摘要: |
Pulsed ultrasound with a center frequency of 820 kHz was used to irradiate a sample of terephtha1ic acid ’(TA). The results show that the yield of free radical resulted from the cavitation varied with the pulse width and the sound intensity- We observed the phenomenon of the "pulse cavitation peak" and offer a mechanism of the "pulse cavitation peak" in a reverberation feild on the basis of the forced vibration of the liquid surface. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.1996.04.007 |
中文关键词: 空化 脉冲空化峰 混响场 |
英文关键词: Cavitation Pulse cavitation peak Reverberation feild |
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