胡建恺,谢强,顾建新,沈黎明,郑永平.采用数字信号处理的复合材料超声谱分析[J].,1996,15(6):11-15 |
采用数字信号处理的复合材料超声谱分析 |
Ultrasonic spectrum analysis with digital signal processing on composite materials |
中文摘要: |
在一块玻璃纤维环氧树脂复合材料板的热压固化过程中,人为加进不同种类、大小及放入深度的薄膜片,并预置一定大小的裂纹、分别利用反射法和透射法获取回波,并对其高速采样及截取,然后进行幅度谱、相位谱、功率谱、相关谱、自相关函数及互相关函数平方包络提取的分析,获得了一些针对不同预置杂质、缺陷的特征. |
英文摘要: |
Purposely placing some square slices of different materials and sises into thedifferent depth of a glass fiber-reinforeed epoxy resin composite laminatc which also wasintroduced a lcm crack. The laminate was tested with by a high-speed sampling board.Through analysis of amplitude spectrum. phase spectrum. power specurm, correlationspectrum and envelope of the square correlation functions, different characteristics weregotten for different foreign inclusions and cracks. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.1996.06.004 |
中文关键词: 复合材料 超声谱分析 数字信号处理 |
英文关键词: Composite material Ultrasonic speetrum analysis Digital signal proccssing |
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