庄咏璆,周建国,易晓星,潘潮.低声阻抗复合压电陶瓷的研究及应用[J].,1997,16(4):23-26 |
低声阻抗复合压电陶瓷的研究及应用 |
Piezoelectric composites with low acoustic impedances and their applications |
中文摘要: |
本文研究了我们所配制夹心结构复合压电材料低声阻抗的特性.实验表明,夹心复合压电陶瓷材料的声阻抗,与所用陶瓷材料的种类、气孔率、孔径、样品厚度以及工艺制备过程有关.实验证明,研制特定声阻抗的材料是可行的.最后,用研制的新材料成功地应用于混凝土、C/C复合材料等非金属材料的超声检测中. |
英文摘要: |
The characteristics of low acoustic impedance in our sandwich piezoelectriccomposites are studied. The results show that acoustic impedance value depends onceramic material, porosity, thickness of sample and their processing. It has also beendemonstrated that manufacturing sandwich piezoelectric composite with spicificacoustic impedance is feasible. Ultrasonic transducers made of our sandwichpiezoelectric composites have been succesfully applied to ultrasonic nondestructivetesting of concrete and carbon-carnon composite. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.1997.04.006 |
中文关键词: 复合压电陶瓷材料 声阻抗 宽带超声换能器 |
英文关键词: Piezoelectric composite Acoustic impedance Wide-band ultrasonic transducer |
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