党长久,杨玉瑞,李明轩.垂直于电场和极化方向辐射声波的压电复合材料[J].,1998,17(2):11-15 |
垂直于电场和极化方向辐射声波的压电复合材料 |
A piezocomposite material radiating acoustic waves perpendicularly to its coinciding electric fleld and poling direction |
中文摘要: |
本文介绍了一种2-2型压电复合材料,使其中的极化方向和所加电场方向相同,并垂直于该方向面辐射声波.由于压电晶片具有长度和厚度的伸缩振动,这种材料将向介质同时辐射纵波和横波,但纵横波的频率存在差异,因而通过施用适当的高通或低通虑波器,可获得单一模式的波.本文还指出,接收波列中的纵波和横波的首波位相相反,以及这两种波随两个换能器相对夹角的变化趋势等. |
英文摘要: |
Presented in this paper is a 2-2 piezocomposite with its poling direction thesame as that of the imposed electric field, perpendicular to which acoustic waves areradiated. Due to the concurrent length and thickness mode vibrations, the compositeplate may different frequencies of the two waves9 each of them may be obtained aloneby applying a high-pass filter or a low-pass one to the receiver. Also indicated in thispaper are the antiphase characteristic between the first cycles of the two waves and thevariation of the amplitudes of the two waves versus the angle between the transmittingand receiving transducers. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.1998.02.003 |
中文关键词: 2-2压电复合材料 双振动模式 双频率 |
英文关键词: 2-2 Piezocomposite Dual vibration modes Dual frequencies |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金;中国科学院研究所赞助项目 |
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