何世堂,江承灏,解述,郭艳明.高温度稳定性声表面波信道化滤波器组研制[J].,1998,17(3):1-5 |
高温度稳定性声表面波信道化滤波器组研制 |
High temperature stability SAW channelizer filter bank |
中文摘要: |
本文报道了作者研制的频率范围分别为200—350MHZ和350一500MHZ的两种15信道声表面波滤波器组的结果。为了克服现有技术温度稳定性较差的缺点,基片材料采用Yll2°LiTaO3,温度稳定性比现有技术提高3.5—5倍。每个滤波器中的两个叉指换能器一个采用特殊抽样的单指换能器,另一个采用三次谐波工作的分裂指换能器,从而避免了采用基频工作的分裂指换能器所需的0.8μm。工艺。输入匹配网络采用改进的串并联匹配网络,降低了输人匹配网络的插人损耗,补偿了因采用Yll2°LITaO3,单个滤波器插损较大的缺陷,使滤波器组总的插入损耗与现有采用YZ或Y128°LiNbO3的滤波器组相当。 |
英文摘要: |
Two 15 channel SAW channelizer filter banks designed and constructed by us with frequency ranging respectively from 200 to 350 MHz and 350 to 500MHz are hereby reported. To overcome the usual weakness of poor temperature stability, we use Yll2° LiTaos as substrate, with the consequence that the temperature stability is raised 3.5 to 5 times. Special structure of the interdigital transducers are adopted such that the o.8μm technology is avoided. To reduce the insertion loss, a modified and thus optimized series-parallel combination of the individual SAW filter is used. The measured properties of the two versions of the filter bank are given. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.1998.03.001 |
中文关键词: 声表面波 信道化 滤波器组 |
英文关键词: SAW Channelizer Filter bank |
基金项目:中国科学院“八五”军工项目 |
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