刘斌,汪源源,王威琪,马 翔,常 才,张珏华.孕周的超声无损估计[J].,1999,18(3):6-10,25
Non-invasive estimation of the gestational week using data from the medical ultrasound
      Several methods of non-invasive estimation of the gestational week using data from the medical ultrasound are discussed in this paper. Generally, the gestational week is estimated by an empirical formula using the related parameters of fetal organs measured by B-mode medical ultrasound. Due to the disunity of the empirical formulas and separate usage of parameters, the results of estimation are highly dispersed and cannot be used in practice. The quantification theory is used in this paper to quantify the measured fetal parameters, and to design an automatic estimation method for the gestational week. In practical application, the corresponding regular equations obtained from the quantification theory are difficult to meet the requirement of the premise of the common solution method, so a generalized inverse matrix theory is proposed in this paper. In addition, the selection of items and the segmentation of categories in the application of the quantification theory are thoroughly discussed, while results of various segmentation methods of items and categories are compared. The non-invasive estimation method of the gestational week established through the present work seems to have shorter computation time, higher estimation resolution, and be more practical in the clinic application.
中文关键词: 医学超声  孕周估计  数量化理论  正规方程  广义逆矩阵
英文关键词: : Medical ultrasound  Gestational week estimation  Quantification theory  Regular equation  Generalized inverse matrix.
刘斌 上海医科大学附属妇产科医院!上海 200011 
汪源源 上海医科大学附属妇产科医院!上海 200011 
王威琪 上海医科大学附属妇产科医院!上海 200011 
马 翔 上海医科大学附属妇产科医院!上海 200011 
常 才 上海医科大学附属妇产科医院!上海 200011 
张珏华 上海医科大学附属妇产科医院!上海 200011 
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