Relationship between ultrasonic velocity and attenuation and the properties of waxy crude oil
      When the crystallization temperature having reached, the waxy crystals appear in the waxy oil. If the oil temperature Continue decreasing, the waxy crystals will be more and connect each other and the crystal structure will be formed. If the intensity of the crystal structure is strong enough, the oil will be jellied. It changes not only the flow properties of the oil, but also the velocity and the attenuation of ukrasonic wave transmitted in the oil. Results of measurement show that both ultrasonic velocity and attenuation increase while the oil temperature decreases. Beyond and under the oil jollification temperature, there are different relationships of ultrasonic velocity vs. temperature and it seems to be relative to the wax quantity in the oil. The ultrasonic attenuation increases sharply when the viscosity of the oil increases rapidly. These phenomena indicate that a lot of waxes have crystallized in waxy oil and the oil is jelling.
中文关键词: 声速  衰减  含蜡原油  析蜡  凝结
英文关键词: : Ultrasonic velocity  Attenuation  waxy crude oil  Crystallization  Jellification
张帆 石油大学!北京102200 
严大凡 石油大学!北京102200 
沈本善 石油大学!北京102200 
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