Beamformer for broadband constant beamwidth through FIR and DSP implementation
      The paper presents a method to design a beamformer for broadband constant beamwidth. Such a beamformer is important in sonar systems for sea bottom observa- tion and classification applications. For a given frequency band, a number of frequency points are chosen to represent the response. For each frequency point a beamforming weighting vector can be deduced to satisfy a given beamwidth requirement by existing methods, for example the Chebyshev shielding coefficients can be deduced for a linear array. Therefore, for a broadband array of N elements and for M chosen frequency points, a N’M weighting matrix in which each row represents a frequency response of an array element, which can be satisfied by a FIR filter designed by the model-reference adaptive technique. The sum of outputs from a bank of N FIR filters provides a beamformed output and so it is very handy to be implemented by DSP hardware. A design example shows that the results are satisfactory.
中文关键词: 宽带恒定束宽波束形成器  FIR滤波器  模型参考自适应方法
英文关键词: Beamformer for broadband constant beamwidth  FIR filter  Model-reference adaptive technique
张保嵩 西北工业大学声学工程研究所!西安710072 
马远良 西北工业大学声学工程研究所!西安710072 
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