赵晓亮,朱哲民,周林,杜功焕.含气泡液体中声传播的解析解及其强非线性声特性[J].,1999,18(6):18-23 |
含气泡液体中声传播的解析解及其强非线性声特性 |
Analytical description of acoustic wave propagation in a bubbly liquid and its strong nonlinearity |
中文摘要: |
声波在含气泡的液体中传播时,气泡的受迫振动会引起强的声散射,并且由于振动的非线性,使得气泡产生的次级波不仅含有基频成分,而且还会有高次谐波。本文从理论上描述了气泡个数随尺寸大小有一定分布时液体中声波的传播,给出了声波的一阶声压和二阶非线性声压的解析表达式。并给出了含气泡液体的等效非线性声参数B/A的计算公式。理论计算与已有的实验观测符合较好。文中对含气泡水的声速和声衰减等特性也进行了讨论。 |
英文摘要: |
An analytical model is given to describe the propagation of an acoustic wave in a liquid that contains small bubbles with certain radial distribution. The fundamental and the second order nonlinear wave pressure is calculated. The effective non-linearity parameter B/A of this liquid-bubble mixture is given. Comparisons between the calculations and experiment show that the model explains the existing experiments satisfactorily. Discussions on the sound attenuation and dispersion are also presented. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.1999.06.005 |
中文关键词: 含气泡水 声传播 非线性声参量B/A |
英文关键词: Bubbly liquid Wave propagation Nonlinearity parameter B/A. |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金 |
摘要点击次数: 2183 |
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