Data optimization method of short baseline acoustic positioning system based on multiple subarray combination
投稿时间:2019-02-11  修订日期:2019-06-28
      短基线声学定位系统是一种常用的水下声学定位设备,为提高适用性,常采用多阵元接收阵的方式进行水声定位,其工作时将带来冗余的测距数据和定位结果,而部分冗余数据的解算定位结果误差较大(以下简称奇异值),其代入融合将导致最终定位结果的误差不减反增。为解决该问题,本文分析奇异值特征,提出了基于多子阵组合(Multiple Subarray Combination,以下简写MSC)的短基线声学定位数据优化方法。该方法将空间阵中划分出的各单元子阵进行筛选,对冗余数据进行优化,筛除会引入较大误差的中间数据,进而提高定位精度。计算机仿真及实际测试数据表明:该方法可实现整体声源定位精度的提高。同时与传统定位方法相比可有效减小运算量,提高整体定位系统的性能。
      Short baseline acoustic positioning system is a kind of commonly used underwater acoustic positioning equipment. In order to increase its applicability, multi-receiving array is often used for underwater acoustic positioning, which will bring redundant ranging data and positioning results. The error of the positioning result calculated by the solution of some superfluous data is large (such positioning result is hereinafter referred to as singular value), and the fusion will lead to the error of the final positioning result increasing instead of decreasing. To solve this problem, a short baseline acoustic positioning data optimization method based on multiple subarray combination (MSC) is proposed. In this method, the subarrays of each element divided in the spatial matrix are screened, the redundant data are optimized and the intermediate data with large errors are screened out to improve the positioning accuracy. Computer simulation and actual test data show that this method can improve the accuracy of the entire positioning results. At the same time, it can effectively reduce the computational cost and improve the performance of the positioning system.
中文关键词: 短基线声学定位系统,多子阵组合,数据优化
英文关键词: Short  baseline acoustic  positioning system, Multiple  subarray combination, Data  optimization
程谦 西北工业大学 航海学院 2015200421@mail.nwpu.edu.cn 
王英民* 西北工业大学 航海学院 ywang@nwpu.edu.cn 
诸国磊 西北工业大学 航海学院 flyingscott@nwpu.edu.cn 
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