Simulation analysis and experimental verification for near range underwater acoustic millimeter communication
投稿时间:2019-02-11  修订日期:2019-07-03
      The performance of high-speed underwater acoustic (UWA) communications is greatly limited by the severe doubly-spread characteristics of the underwater acoustic channel. For the demand of short-range high-speed underwater acoustic communication technology, in this paper, a UWA millimeter wave (mmWave) communication receiver is proposed for single carrier (SC) UWA communication. The proposed SC UWA mmWave communication is based on the super-Nyquist transmission technology and high-order modulation technology. The super-Nyquist transmission technology and high-order modulation bring great challenges to the receiver as follows: 1) Super-Nyquist transmission technology introduces severe inter-symbol interference (ISI), 2) Symbol detection of high-order modulation systems requires high accuracy of channel estimation. In order to address the above problems, iterative channel estimation is proposed for soft feedback based DFE. Simulation results show that the proposed receiver can achieve an error-free transmission at 15dB under the condition of more serious multi-path fading channel when 128QAM high-order modulation is adopted. The pool test also demonstrates that the net data rate of 900kbps can be achieved under the condition of slow motion of the transmitting platform when the communication bandwidth is 300kHz, the communication symbol rate is 300k symbols/second for 64QAM modulation, and the corresponding spectrum utilization rate is up to 6 Bits/second/Hz.
中文关键词: 水声毫米波通信,信道估计,信道均衡,迭代接收机,预编码
英文关键词: Underwater  acoustic millimeter  communication, Channel  estimation, Channel  equalization, Iterative  receiver
张友文* 哈尔滨工程大学 水声技术重点实验室 zhangyouwen@hrbeu.edu.cn 
黄福朋 哈尔滨工程大学 水声工程学院
哈尔滨工程大学 水声工程学院 
李姜辉 南安普顿大学 声与震动研究所南安普顿 SO17 1BJ英国 J.Li@soton.ac.uk 
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