Parallel-baffle method for separateness and parameters acquisition of a sound source under scatting condition
投稿时间:2019-02-15  修订日期:2019-06-30
      In underwater part of sonar system and sound device some scatting objects exist ineluctability,it is empty of a simple and efficient method for measurement radiation parameters of a sound source without disturbance form scatting objects. Based on the sound scatting theory of rigid disk, have been analyzed the effect of a parallel baffle to observed direction on radiation parameters of a sound source. The results are shown that: On the far-field condition, pressure amplitude distribution in observed direction is independent of the parallel baffle with a smaller admissible error. On that basis, we have attempted to develop a simple and efficient parallel-baffle method to separateness and parameters acquisition of a sound source under scatting condition. Radiation performances of a pulsating tube transducer and with a parallel baffle are comparatively simulation analyzed by Finite Element Method with ANSYS software, which gives the results that the calculated error of source level of the pulsating tube transducer by using a parallel baffle (steel plant with thickness of 8mm and radius of 0.4m) in a frequency range from 1 to 20 kHz was not exceed ±0.6dB.
中文关键词: 散射,参数获取,远场条件,平行障板,声源
英文关键词: Scatting, Parameters  acquisition, Far-field  condition, Parallel  baffle, sound  source
莫喜平* 中国科学院声学研究所 北京 100190 moxp@mail.ioa.ac.cn 
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