Hybrid Norm Constraint based Non-Uniform Sparse Estimation for Underwater Acoustic Channels
投稿时间:2019-05-10  修订日期:2019-06-28
      The underwater acoustic channels(UAC) have cluster-sparse characteristics in nature<sub>[</sub><sub>1]</sub>, that is, the sparse channel impulse response is mostly zero or near-zero taps, while only a few none-zero ones are unevenly distributed in the time domain in the form of clusters. In this paper, a non-uniform hybrid norm constraint based improved proportionate affine projection algorithm(IPAPA) is proposed for underwater acoustic channel estimation. Firstly, the channel partition are initialized according to the UAC cluster structure. Then the mixed -norm is added on the IPAPA to promote the cluster-sparsity of the UAC: it improves correlation among coefficients inside each cluster via the norm and uses the norm to realize the overall sparsity. Numerical simulation results and the data processing results of long range deep-water acoustic communication experiment show that the proposed UAC estimation algorithm can achieve a better performance in terms of convergence speed and estimation accuracy compared to existing sparse channel estimation methods.
中文关键词: 簇稀疏信道,非均匀分组,l21混合范数约束,IPAPA算法
英文关键词: Cluster-sparse channel, Non-uniform partition, Mixed l21-norm constraint, IPAPA
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(11874061, 11434012)
张永霖 中国科学院声学研究所声场声信息国家重点实验室 北京 zhangyonglin@mail.ioa.ac.cn 
王海斌* 中国科学院大学 北京
中国科学院声学研究所声场声信息国家重点实验室 北京
中国科学院声学研究所声场声信息国家重点实验室 北京
中国科学院声学研究所声场声信息国家重点实验室 北京
中国科学院声学研究所声场声信息国家重点实验室 北京 
台玉朋 中科院声学所 typ@mail.ioa.ac.cn 
汪俊 中国科学院声学研究所 声场声信息国家重点实验室  
陈曦 中国科学院声学研究所 声场声信息国家重点实验室  
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