苏昉,苏骁.1998年11月17日狮子座流星雨的次声观测[J].,2000,19(3):1-6 |
1998年11月17日狮子座流星雨的次声观测 |
Infrasonic observation of meteor shower from Leo on November 17, 1998 |
中文摘要: |
采用三台CSH-1型次声接收器,在北京昌平区布置了一个次声测量三点阵,并观测到1998年11月17日狮子座流星雨产生的次声波P-t曲线和波速波向图。借助快速富立叶变换,分析P-t曲线的波形得到次声的三维动态谱。频谱分析结果表明:(1)各流星产生的次声波大都很短暂,持续时间在1-5分钟内;(2)流星次声波的周期大都在40-408秒内,少数在1-480秒内;(3)在11月17日19:21-20:41期间流星次声波仍很密集,20:41后它们才变得越来越稀疏,恰与肉眼观测相符合;(4)流星次声波的振幅彼此相差很大,较弱的在5-10Pa以下,中等的在10-20Pa之间,较强的在20-40Pa以内(如11月17日19:20-20:41以及11月18日1:06、2:45、3:59、5:41、6:11、6:20左右),最强的两个在11月17日19:31和20:07前后分别达到75Pa和50Pa。并对此结果给出了解释。本文为流星天文学研究提供一种新方法和有用的科学数据。 |
英文摘要: |
A tripartite array for infrasonic measurement in Changping county, Beijing was arranged,using three CSH-1 infrasonic receivers. The infrasonic signals(P-t curve and wave vector) produced by the meteor shower from Leo on November 17,1998 were observed. With fast Fourier transform, the waveforms of P-t curve were analyzed and corresponding dynamic three-dimensional spectra were obtained. The analytic results show. (1)Infrasonic waves produced by meteor are mostly very short, lasting one to five minutes; (2)Periods of the infrasonic waves range mostly from 40 to 408 seconds with a few from 1 to 480 seconds; (3) During 7:21 p.m. to 8.41p.m. (Beijing time ) on Nov. 17,the infrasonic waves were much denser. After 8.41 p.m. waves became more and more sparse, the phenomenon conformed with observation with naked eyes, (4) Amplitudes of infrasonic waves from indordual meteors differ significantly from each other-weaker ones below 5-10 Pa, medium ones within 10-20 Pa, and stronger ones within 20-40 Pa(during 7.20 p.m. to 8.41 p.m. on Nov. 17 and around 1.06, 2:45, 3.59, 5.41, 6.11, 6:20 a.m. on Nov.18). Two of the strongest ones reach 75 Pa and 50 Pa around 7:31 p.m.,8.07 p.m. on Nov. 17. An explanation of the above results was given. This observation will provide a new method and useful scientific data for research in meteor astronomy. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2000.03.001 |
中文关键词: 次声波 三点阵 三维动态谱 狮子座流星雨 |
英文关键词: Infrasonic wave Tripartite array Dynamic three-dimensional spectra Meteor shower from Leo |
基金项目:石油大学(北京)科研基金!99-I-02 |
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