王宏伟,赵德有.自由阻尼复合板的模态密度研究[J].,2001,20(1):41-45 |
自由阻尼复合板的模态密度研究 |
Study on the modal density of a free damped layered panel |
中文摘要: |
模态密度是统计能量分析(SEA)的一个重要参数,尽管有关阻尼复合板振动特性的文献很多,但至今为止,研究其模态密度及变化规律的论文尚未见到,为此本文利用弹性最小势能原理和变分法,并考虑振动阻尼的影响,导出了自由阻尼复合板的弯曲振动模态密度计算公式,系统地分析了模态密度随阻尼层厚度、温度和频率而变化的规律。 |
英文摘要: |
Modal density is a significant parameter of Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA). Although many papers have studied the vibration characteristics of layered damped panels, so far we are not aware of any paper concerning the study of their modal density and variance. This paper, based on the least potential energy and the variational principle in the theory of elasticity, derives the formula of the modal density of bending vibration of a free damping layered panel, and discusses the dependence of the modal density on the thickness of damping layer, temperature and frequency. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2001.01.010 |
中文关键词: 模态密度 自由阻尼层 复合板 统计能量分析 |
英文关键词: Modal density Free damping layer Layered panel Statistical energy analysis |
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