乔渭阳,Ulf Michel.基于传声器阵列过顶测量结果的飞机起落架噪声研究[J].,2001,20(2):1-6
A study on landing gear noise based on the fly-over measurements with a planar microphone array
      A large planar microphone array, which consists of 111 microphones, was successfully applied to obtain a two-dimensional mapping of the sound sources on a landing aircraft. The focus of study in this paper is on the landing gear noise source. The spectra, directivities and sound pressure levels of flap side-edge noise of 7 narrow-board commercial aircraft and 7 wide-board commercial aircraft are presented. It is found that the landing gear noise spectrum is broadband with some single tones in some cases. The directivity of the total sound pressure level of a landing gear noise resembles that of a horizontal dipole. The level differences between the various aircraft landing gears are larger than those expected from the airspeed differences. It is thus expected that the louder noise emission of the landing gears can be reduced by redesigning.
中文关键词: 起落架噪声  机体噪声  飞机噪声  传声器阵列测量
英文关键词: Landing gear noise  Airframe noise  Aircraft noise  Microphone array measurement
乔渭阳 西北工业大学航空动力与热力工程系! 西安710072 
Ulf Michel 德国宇航院柏林湍流研究分部! 德国柏林10623 
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