Measurements of the three-dimensional dynamic frequency spectrum of infrasonic waves from thundershowers
      With three infrasound receivers of the condenser type, a tripartite array in Changping, Beijing was arranged. The infrasonic signals (P-t curve) generated by 15 thundershowers in July and August 2000 were measured. With fast Fourier trans- form, the three-dimensional dynamic frequency spectra were obtained. The results of the spectrum analysis are as follows: (1) The infasonic waves of thundershower come from thunder. (2) The frequency spectrum of infrasonic wave of thunder possesses three characteristics. Firstly the louder the heard thunder is, the stronger the amplitude of the infrasonic wave of thunder; Secondiy the especially strong amplltude lasts a long time; Thirdly the range of period is successive or separated when time increaJses, which leads to lots of hollows in the frequency spectrurm. Accordingly, we may distinguish the infrasound of thunder from that of the others. (3) The generating mechanism and prop- agating trait of infrasoulc waves of thunder were primarily discussed.
中文关键词: 次声波  三点阵  三维动态频谱  
英文关键词: Infrasonic wave  Tripartite array  Three-dimensional dynamic frequency spectrum  Thunder
苏昉 石油大学(北京)基础科学系 北京昌平102200 
田维 石油大学(北京)基础科学系 北京昌平102200 
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