The effect of the embedded mass on the low-frequency sound transmission loss of soundproof doors
投稿时间:2020-03-09  修订日期:2020-10-30
      针对隔声门低频隔声性能差的问题,将嵌入式质量应用于隔声门中以提高隔声门在低频段的隔声性能,通过建立两个相邻混响室的有限元模型计算隔声门的隔声量。基于该模型,并结合隔声门低频隔声性能的评价方法,对在低频段影响隔声门有效隔声量的相关参数进行了参数关联性研究和优化,优化结果表明:对于92 mm厚,容重24 kg/m3的玻璃棉,使用灰铸铁作为质量块,并合理布置各个质量块的大小及其在玻璃棉中的相对位置可以有效提高隔声门在低频段的隔声性能;与普通隔声门相比,在低频段嵌入式质量隔声门的有效隔声量增加了5.0 dB。
      It is well known that the low-frequency noise is harder to control than that in high frequency. This paper applies embedded masses to soundproof doors to improve its low-frequency sound insulation. It uses a finite element model of two adjacent reverberation rooms to calculate the transmission loss of the soundproof door. Based on this model and the low-frequency noise evaluation method, the parameter correlation and optimization of the parameters affecting the low-frequency effective sound insulation of the soundproof door are carried out. The optimization results show that for 92 mm thick glass wool with a bulk density of 24 kg/m3, the low-frequency sound insulation of the soundproof door can be effectively improved by using cast iron as the embedded masses and arranging the position of each mass reasonably. Compared with regular soundproof doors, the low-frequency effective sound insulation of the optimized soundproof door has increased by 5.0 dB.
中文关键词: 隔声门  嵌入式质量  低频噪声  响应面  遗传算法
英文关键词: soundproof door, embedded masses, low-frequency noise, response surface, genetic algorithm
夏兆旺 江苏科技大学 dlxzw@163.com 
薛斌 江苏科技大学 xuebin0419@163.com 
许祥曦 江苏科技大学 1838609705@qq.com 
苏战发 江苏科技大学 970935540@qq.com 
王宗耀 江苏科技大学 1174810152@qq.com 
方媛媛* 江苏科技大学 fangyy82@163.com 
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